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SUNDAY 02/23/2025
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Why did Mueller leave the obstruction of justice question unresolved?
Washington- James Lacy-former official in the Reagan Administration in Washington, D.C. / Source: TheParliament.Us
Monday 04/22/2019

The most important point shown in William Barr’s press conference is that he, career prosecutor Rod Rosenstein, and the Department of Justice prosecution team concluded that Trump did not obstruct the Mueller investigation.

Barr said that the White House was fully cooperative during the investigation, and that witnesses and documents were made available; and most importantly, there was no “executive privilege,” which could have been used to legally avoid any cooperation.

However, what is causing a debate is the way Trump criticized the investigation and how he wanted it to be shut down. But, the prosecutors also understand that Trump himself has “First Amendment” rights to criticize the investigation while it is ongoing, even as president; just as his tweets are also part of free speech, which makes them legally protected by the constitution.

The investigation by the Special Counsel also found that despite his stated opinions, Trump did not actually take any action to impede the investigation.

The Americans are divided on how to approach this issue; and some want to condemn and punish the president for what he stands for and for what he thinks, which is why there is a divide in the country.

Many on both sides of the aisle have said Bob Mueller is the right man for the job. Many will criticize him for not being prosecutorial and leaving an opening to the Justice Department.

The president’s opponents would convict Trump based on what he believes in and not what he does. That is not how the law works in the United States.

Why did Mueller leave the obstruction of justice question unresolved? Was it a way to save face with all Americans and throw the ball in the Justice Department's court? Perhaps, but there’s a reason behind not making a prosecutorial decision.

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