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Richard Fowler-Analyst and Host of the Richard Fowler show
Washington-Richard Fowler-Analyst and Host of the Richard Fowler show / Source: TheParliament.Us
Friday 04/26/2019

Former Vice President Joseph Biden announced his candidacy for the 2020 presidential elections to challenge Republican incumbent President Donald Trump. His announcement comes to add yet another name to a very crowded Democratic field of contenders.

Biden’s entry to the race will mark a huge difference, according to Democratic strategists and center left American analysts from across the political spectrum. 

Many believe that the candidate should be a young liberal or a woman, or at least not a white old man who has been in politics for at least 40 decades. However, many also know Biden well. He is a well-known politician for his long experience and Americans know him as Uncle Joe.

Biden is the right person for the right time, and that is because his entry into the presidential field is a strong sign that Democrats have a real chance of winning back the White House. His long history of fighting for the “little guy” makes him the primed candidate to challenge Trump and the far-right Republican Party.

Trump tweeted: Welcome to the race Sleepy Joe. I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt, to wage a successful primary campaign. It will be nasty - you will be dealing with people who truly have some very sick & demented ideas. But if you make it, I will see you at the Starting Gate!

By focusing on Trump, the horrors of Charlottesville and the era of extremism that we have seen take root in America. Biden’s message seems to be one that will resonate with most corners of the Democratic Party and the American electorate, including blue-collared workers, African-American families, the Latino community and retired veterans and disaffected Republicans.

Republicans who are not happy with Trump will surely be happy to see Biden join the race.


Based on his public schedule, it is clear that Biden will focus on winning over common sense. Americans are interested in putting this country back on track and returning to an era of civility, respect and dignity; it is a battle for the soul of the nation.


The former Vice President from Scranton, Pennsylvania will be a lightning rod to the field and will show that there is nothing wrong with being reasonable and sensible in the fight for the soul of America.

With his entry, Biden has become the immediate frontrunner, and now we will have to see if he can hold on to the lead and momentum and eventually win as a more moderate candidate.


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